Way of the Dragon.
Way of the dragon was Bruce's third film, after forming his own
production company Bruce decided to make an action film set in Rome. Bruce
not only wrote the script, starred in the film, directed the film - he
also produced it! He expected it to make five million dollars in Hong Kong
alone, he was wrong it grossed 5,4000,000 dollars.

The story centres around an army of Italian gangsters and American
Karate killers. Bruce single-handily scatters a gang of henchmen, escapes
death by hired assassins and leads the Chinese waiters against the gangs

The climax of the film is set in the famous Coliseum against the famous
Chuck Norris, an acclaimed American Karate champion of the 70's.
Other films of the late great Bruce Lee.
Big Boss/Fist of Fury/Enter the Dragon/Game of Death