Game of Death.
Game of Death, the uncompleted film of Bruce Lee's work was actually
shot straight after the end of Way of the Dragon and before Enter the Dragon.
Bruce wanted to rest after Way of the Dragon, but the unexpected arrival
in Hong Kong of Kareem 'Big Lew' Abdul-Jabber paved the way for Bruce to
include some fight scenes to be shot while the tallest basket player in
the world was there. Bruce had already set up his own film company called
Concorde with the making of Way Of the Dragon. The fight scenes were shot
within a week. At this time Enter the Dragon's production was near to starting,
so Game of Death was put on hold.

Because Bruce died whilst dubbing Enter the Dragon, Game of Death was
stored for over three years. Eventually a story was decided to incorporate
the fight scenes that Bruce had recorded three years previously. The film
is not a masterpiece - apart from the fight scenes which Bruce starred
and directed.

The aim of the film is for Bruce to go from level to level of a pagoda
and defeat the master of each level. A master stroke.
In 1994, Bruce Lee the Legend was made starring Jason Scott Lee
(no relation), this film was an autobiography of Bruce Lee's life.
Other films of the late great Bruce Lee.
Big Boss/Fist of Fury/Way of the Dragon/Game of Death